Under Holy Influence

Several years ago I was asked to perform a worship dance at a Christian women’s conference. And while I wasn’t in the best physical form after much time away from formal dance training, my spiritual form was in pretty good shape. Life events and challenges had drawn me into a deeper study of the Word, and prayer had strengthened my relationship with the Lord. Yet, I struggled to let Him fully lead my steps…in life and in dance.

Much time was spent choreographing what I thought was a pretty good lyrical routine, but I still felt very ill-prepared. I wasn’t really ready to perform. There was a part of the dance that wasn’t fully developed. I was struggling. My spirit was unsettled. On the day of the conference, as the time raced closer to my performance, I felt the Lord nudging me to pray. I found a quiet spot alone and got still. As I listened, God told me to trust Him. He had some of His own choreography already in mind.  

As I let go of my plans for this dance He gave me peace to literally step out in faith. 

My nervous feet were soon carrying my body out into the spotlight. The Holy Spirit was leading me as I heard the beginning beats of the song start to play. I moved through some rehearsed and familiar motions but suddenly felt as though I was no longer in control. I began to hear the music with new ears, feel the motions with a new sense of my surroundings. My arms lifted gracefully in praise, my heart lifted in radiant adoration, my spirit lifted with joy! This was no longer MY dance, it was HIS.  

Looking back, I can almost imagine the Holy Spirit shining instead of the spotlight. It wasn’t me, but the glow was through me! I was simply His vessel.

Normally, I like to feel in control. I want to lead. But, this time the Lord was asking me to follow. This time, I obeyed, and I could feel the beauty, power and freedom of letting go. 

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” (Galations 5:1) 

Our freedom comes from a willingness to surrender. Have you surrendered? 

Before you answer, think specifically about how you relate to the Holy Spirit.  

Can you distinguish your own voice from that of the voice of God? 

Are you quick to say, “Yes” to following Him or do you have to pause to consider your own wants, needs, plans? 

Pastor Dan challenged us a few years ago to begin each day asking the Holy Spirit to lead and not the flesh. So, each morning when my head leaves the pillow I’m reminded that I have a choice to be led by myself or the Holy Spirit.  

I can choose to treat others well.  

I can choose to put their needs before my own. 

I can choose to be a vessel. 

When we walk in the Spirit, we have help. We’re not in a “you alone against the world” situation. That’s how Satan wants us to live: afraid, anxious, reactive to waves of emotions and temptations that attack at any moment. 

But, that’s NOT what our Father desires. He wants the best for you and for me. He wants His voice to be the only one in our heads, as we focus on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and excellent! (Phil. 4:8)  

LET’S PRAY. Jesus, Help us to be under Your holy influence and not our human flesh. Remind us that we have freedom to choose obedience to Your will before beginning every day. Give us the desire to move to the choreography of Your dance. Amen. 

~ Tara Dye is a longtime member of LIFE Fellowship. She and her husband Paul have three children.


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