Declare your faith in Jesus here at LIFE.
Be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ.”
Colossians 2:12
Scripture teaches that once we have received Jesus Christ by faith, we should be baptized. Baptism serves as an outward testimony of an inward change that results from faith in Christ.
It is not the act of baptism that makes us a believer or saves us. It's only by placing faith and trust in Jesus Christ that ensures our salvation. The sacrament of baptism enables the believer to identify by faith with Christ. First in His death and burial and then also in His resurrection to the newness of life.
We strive to follow Jesus and Biblical teaching as closely as possible in baptizing by immersion. Every baptism in the Bible was by immersion and Jesus was also baptized by immersion. We review this and other Biblical teachings on baptism in our required baptism class, which is generally held the Sunday before each scheduled baptism service. Check our Events page for the next class dates and baptism celebrations.
If you are interested in publicly declaring your faith in Jesus by being baptized, let us know by filling out the form below!
Baptism 101
We offer three or four baptisms a year at LIFE Fellowship, each of which is preceded by an informational class containing both information about the upcoming baptism for candidates and information regarding our church’s beliefs regarding baptism for anyone with general injuries.
Baptism services are held in a variety of places at LIFE Fellowship. Most frequently, we hold them at the end of a regular worship service on Sunday morning in our portable, baptismal pool.
We also occasionally baptize outdoors – usually in Lake Norman at the home of one of our church members or at a special baptismal service where we place the tank outside.
If you wish to be baptized in your personal swimming pool or in a lake or body of water near you, that can also be arranged as long as it is public and others are invited to observe.
Visit our Events page or the church calendar section of the LIFE App for a listing of upcoming baptism classes.