Grow and Go

Hanging on the wall of our daughter’s bedroom is one of my favorite things: a growth chart. Each of my children received a personalized chart when they were born, and we have loved marking them annually to see the growth each has experienced. While our teen boys have now surpassed their charts by several inches, our daughter still loves to back her heels up against the floorboard and stand as tall as possible, hoping to see a significant difference from the previous blue line. 

Growth is exciting. For children, physical growth is inevitable. It’s amazing to consider that from the moment the Lord thought of you, He knew exactly how tall you would be! 

But, God didn’t create people to stay as tiny, dependent infants. He designed us to develop, change, and mature into adults. He designed us to grow mentally and spiritually also. As Peter recommends, “Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18) 

But there is more - God wants us to also grow relationally. We were made to live in community. That’s why Adam was given Eve. Our Divine Creator wants us to experience life together, among people with different opinions and perspectives, in order to learn from each other. He doesn’t want us to sit under Biblical teaching just to hoard it for ourselves. We are called to share knowledge with others.   

Jesus sought out and selected 12 men to walk alongside Him. He spent time investing in them, teaching them and ministering to them in order for them to grow intellectually, spiritually, and relationally. This intentional time with each man deepened their understanding of Him. 

Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  

After Jesus’ death, the Holy Spirit continued to minister to the disciples - as He does with us today - and they were filled to overflowing with transforming power. The power that was to be spread among peoples of all nations.  

“If you go, we all grow” is a saying painted in bold, black script on the wall of my son’s taekwondo school. At first glance, I thought it only applied to martial arts training. But, now I see how it applies to all of us. When an individual steps out of his or her comfort zone to experience something new, change happens. And that change has an affect on those around them.  

We are called to be His disciples today. Each of us can do our part by stepping out into our own areas of influence. Maybe it’s at work, maybe it’s at the gym, maybe it’s the grocery store or preschool, or HOA meeting. Where can we be used to share what we know about the Gospel? Remember, Jesus wasn’t a “one and done” teacher. He works day-by-day, carefully and consistently molding us into vessels to be used for His glory.  

Our transformation should inspire others around us. Maybe the inverse of the taekwondo script is also true. “If you grow, we all go”.  

Let’s pray. Gracious Lord, please give us teachable hearts. Place a passion in us to share all You have done in our lives. Lead us to opportunities to invest in the growth of others so that their lives can be marked by YOU. Your wisdom and will is what we need and what we seek. Amen. 

~ Tara Dye is a longtime member of LIFE Fellowship. She and her husband Paul have three children.


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